Entanglements and Detachments in Global Politics

22 - 24 October 2020 / Fully Online


The conference

International Relations is concerned with the connections that constitute lived political realities. The present moment is marked by an unprecedented awareness of the intra-relations and ruptures at the core of social and political life. The ongoing global pandemic, anti-racist protests and struggles against environmental degradation have laid bare the need for connected understandings of global politics. This conference will push existing approaches to global (dis)connectivity, heterogeneity and shared vulnerabilities further by attuning to the entanglements of societies, species and environments, as well as acknowledging the ways of being that are foreclosed when entangled realities materialise.



The Millennium Conference features leading academics from universities all across the globe.


We hope you enjoyed the conference!

Video and audio recordings for roundtables and the keynote address can be accessed by clicking the button below. These recordings are also available on YouTube and Facebook.